James Corden’s Wildest Carpool Karaoke Yet: Bears

You’ve never seen a Carpool Karaoke like this.

The Late Late Show just premiered their newest Carpool Karaoke featuring James Corden in a car-load of bears. The bears and James Corden drove around New York City as Corden sang bear-related songs such as “Fuzzy Wuzzy” and “Teddy Bear Picnic” at the top of his lungs. The bears grew enraged, finally lashing out at Corden in the middle of Jerry Reed’s “The Preacher and the Bear”.

Along the way, the bears tossed the shrieking host from the front seat to the back seat, his screams muffled by the girth of the imposing beasts. Though producers tried to calm the bears down with a few glasses of chardonnay, the bears continued mauling Corden for the rest of the short road trip. It was something no other stars have tried in the popular segment. These bears really made their version of Carpool Karaoke totally their own.

Corden is in critical condition at the St. Joseph Mary’s Hospital. Doctors are hopeful that after extensive surgery he may return to his position as host of the Late Late Show but they say he will be unable to move or speak clearly.

Editor in Chief of BNN. Author and illustrator of Bearmageddon, Axe CopDickinson Killdeer’s Guide to Bears of the Apocalypse: Ursine Abominations of the End Times and How to Defeat Them.

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One thought on “James Corden’s Wildest Carpool Karaoke Yet: Bears

  • January 24, 2017 at 1:50 pm

    Was that Saint Joseph and Mary’s hospital, or Saint Jesus, Joseph, and Mary’s hospital? I remember my grandfather always mentioning the latter when bears got into his berry patch.


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